Pranayam or systematic breathing
Pranayam or systematic breathing is most important for everyone. We can live without food & water for a week or long anyhow but could not imagine to live without air for few minutes. All parts of our body needs oxygen regularly, thereof Brain needs this prior of all to keep its working continuous. If Brain not received oxygen in proper amount even for a moment, immediately its ability decorated and negative thought, depression, nervousness etc. appeared. Irregular and in-disciplined life style create disturbance to flow oxygen to other parts of the body its general effect seen the person looks older to his real age. Also interruption of fresh air to brain cause brain hemorrhage. A scientist in Bylor university , U.S.A. investigate that excessive force of oxygen can remove blockadge of blood vessels.
Due to any reason body received less amount of oxygen then tiredness, nervousness, angriness & weakness symptoms are observed. Capability of body affected adversely. If sound sleep is commenced the whole day passes with tense. The body resistance reduced and ultimately leads to diseases like fever, flew, cold couph etc.are observed.
Systematic breathing, controlled inhale, exhale of oxygen which termed PRANAYAM , made all parts of body energetic and active.
Our fore-father knows importance of Pranayam (breathing), that’s why their doing were natural, they lived along with nature, they treated nature as god & hence they invented natural technique to keep the body circulation normal. That is by way of Pranayam.
Why Pranayam Exclusively
Every human being needs breathing without interruption, inadvertently without efforts and knowledge. The person does not aware of its role in body functioning. This is only primary work which keep a person alive. Thus we should pay more attention and systematized the breathing to take optimum use of oxygen for body. This is Pranayam which make dynamic and miracle changes overall. Present human life is some-what irregular and careless for disciplined physical activities. Results, ill-health and many worries. Capacity of lungs not utilized up to the mark. A small part of our lungs is inhale which is in-sufficient to meet body requirement and good health. Beside these facts, our atmosphere is unhealthy develops adverse affect on respiratory system. Environmental pollution is one of the major cause of unhealthy breathing.
Scientist have decided that mental (mood & tempo) directly react to our respiratory system and mental tension. Due to swallow inhaling , required amount of oxygen not obtained in body likewise full amount of CO2 is not exhale vies-a versa .Hence air toxins and excretory elements stored in body.
The above explanations shows that we need changes in our habits to keep body organs healthy and active with sound sleep. We can accept open heartily that our behavior needs changes. Now question is why Pranayam is a solution ? Because _
(i) Pranyam utilize full capacity of Lungs.
(ii) Toxins are exhale from body completely.
(iii) Fresh oxygen reached in Lungs up to maximum extent.
(iv) Dynamic energy created in huge.
(v) All parts of the body activated systematically.
(vi) Maximum utilization of Lungs eliminate Chronic Diseases like Heart diseases ,Artillery blockage ,Bronchial affection, Slip disc, Spondlitic gradually by regular exercises.
(vii) Excess weight reduced or if body less than minimum then it reaches to normal. Over- all body become fit, light & energetic.Every part of body work properly.
(viii) Allergies & many more eliminate gradually.
(ix) Self confidence reaches optimum.
(x) Regular practice of Pranayam is the phenomenon to contract with God and it nature. Whatever energy develop in body is natural energy procured from nature.
Yoga & Pranayam are the interesting process easily acceptable by the people. Pranayam is the simple process of breathing, excersied systematically. Breathing is main act in life continued till a person alive. Hence it should be proper and in useful way. Pranayam is the process developed by our Rishi Munies for Concentration, meditation, Samadhi, and ultimately to contract with God. Thus Pranayam is the rhythm of breathing .
Pranayam Is A Sanjivni
Pranayam is a Sanjivni – shakti changed aspect of life, achieved mental coolness, Spiritual experiences are very true create path to connect with Paradise experiences. Pranayam make the soul explicit, developed efficiency of brain, mental power become infinite, memory improved, constipation removed, each artery and vain become strong . In conclusion , the achievements are uncountable Any way Good health is an sure achievement. A person become confident, clever, determined and active. Negative thinking and attitudes are removed. Good circulation of purified blood make the face influence and attractive.
Divine Hidden Power Of Yourself
The Sadhana Of Divya Yoga
Feel The Power Of Touch
Our whole energy field – and that includes our physical body – is very responsive to thoughts and feelings and this flow of energy can be blocked when negative thoughts arrive and stay for a long time – whether consciously or subconsciously. Reiki helps to break through these blockages as it flows through the aura and the affected parts of the energy body, by charging them with positive energy and consequently raising our vibratory level.
Reiki - A Natural Healing Process
Reiki clears and balances the chakras and allows the life-force energy to flow through and around our body in a natural way. This accelerates the body’s own natural healing ability. Reiki is guided by a higher intelligence so it will naturally find its way to those parts of the body which most need healing and it will adjust its energy to suit the person being healed. So you will only receive as much energy as you need.
Intelligent Energy
Reiki has its own intelligence and knows exactly where to go and what to do – both for the healer and the recipient. Once a Reiki Channel simply places his or her hands on the person requiring healing or intend to send Reiki Healing and the energy will flow to the area where it is most needed. There are a number of easily-learned hand positions and for a new practitioner it is a good way to start but after working with the energy for some time you will feel guided as to where to place your hands.