Pranayam Samadhi Based 8 Days Seminar
Samadhi Yog is a technique adopted by our Rishi- Muni. It is very effective process to change mentality of a man. The person feel mature by its regular practices. “Divya Darshan Samadhi Yog Sansthan” made this technique available with accuracy and effectiveness as was in Rishi – muni’s days.
What is Samadhi
Samadhi is a very simple, easy, beautiful, technical and a micro process. Practice of this Yog eliminate a man from depression, sorrow and difficulties. Its few minute practice regularly make a man free from mental tension, excessive excitement & achieved a cool and optimum condition. Gradually, the depth of Samadhi developed, the outer and inner intelligence, mental power & sense become equable accordingly. It is Samadhi. Yoga create the emotional relation with God. Samadhi met a person with the sense of Yog and Yog is a medium to equate with God. Mental confusion are eliminate automatically. Mental relaxation open the ways to reach God .
Relation between Body & Heart
Different activities of the body regulate and controlled by the heart, conscious (EkUk) When Heart is exited, body is excited too, vis-a vis when the body is abnormal the conscious is tense, immediately.
Suppose a person sitting on the chair and saw a angree snake, immediately , he will be in fearful condition as if, he came running from miles. It is because of very high mental excitement. Like wise in abnormal conditions of the body person not in a position to take proper decision Thus heart and body both attract to each other.
Deep Relax In Samadhi
SAMADHI gives great mental relax. Continuous thought affects every part of body and some times make our conscious tense. Samadhi make thoughts static and mental cool . 20 minutes samadhi gives equivalent deep sleep of 7 to 8 hours. Samadhi is an extreme process to be adopted by every one in today’s busy & tense life. Samadhi gives a person deep relax, cool, peaceful and sound mental condition. By this a person may able to solve day to day routine problems of life better. Today man is fighting with many day to day problems because he does not know his actual existence which is spreed from influence of body, emotion, thought & ego sprit.
Samadhi Is Base Of Creativity
” Whether a person may remain live without sleep?
” Whether a person may active during day time if he does not took sound sleep in the night?
Certainly the deep sleep is the base for next day active & freshness. But a procedure which give 2 to 4 time more comfort than to a simple sleep would be more helpful for the busy & active persons. It is because, Samadhi, Yog, and Meditation is necessary part of the life. The regular practice of samadhi changed laziness and confused mental status. Brain, heart and other parts of the body play active role of own.
How Do Samadhi Works
Samadhi is a process determined in the VEDS AND UPNISHAD’s. It is complex but very simple process which realize us immediately paradise feelings of the life. Basically samadhi controlled our contradictory thought from conscious. Every sadhak of Yog Sansthan properly known with the process of Samadhi. Later sadhak learn this Yog regularly at home. Occasionally this may organized in group. It may improve with Satsang. DDYSS organized advance courses for achieving higher stage of Samadhi where participant felt deep experience. In addition some process are teach in advance course which improved sadhak’s achievements very fast.
Health Improment From Samadhi
Basically complete rest is the main remedy for good health. As and when we reach to a doctor for treatment he give us medicine and advised to take complete body rest. Generally doctors are advised complete rest in all kind of diseases. Simply, when our conscious and body do not allow us to work, means we are tired and decided to take rest only. It has been proved by the results of experiments of many patients that Samadhi is appropriate treatment for them. Chronic diseases like Asthma, Eclipse, Sugar, high B.P., low B.P. Heart disease, Depression, Arthritic, Nervous-ness, Sinus, Spondlitis even suggested by-pass surgery of heart are easily cured with the regular practice of Samadhi. Samadhi pay real relief in these diseases.
In future doctors will not give any medicine to patient of such diseases, he will advise patient to take food according to his condition and give details of cause of disease. Most of the chronic diseases are the results of mental tension. Till some time back these diseases called incurable and could be regulated only up to a limit. Presently these diseases are the common problem in society. Samadhi may cure these diseases easily. Investigations are commenced in all over the world on Samadhi and Pranayam and doctors agree with the results that Samadhi is very effective to cure chronic diseases. Doctors have arranged experiments on about 400 heart patient, where arteries of some patients got collapsed, as confirmed by angiographies, they under goes Samadhi & Pranayam process, after some time there was wonderful results. Some patients were completely free from blockages and they were out of danger condition of heart. It was an impossible event in medical science. By this way Samadhi is proved to cure diseases.

Divine Hidden Power Of Yourself
The Sadhana Of Divya Yoga

Feel The Power Of Touch
Our whole energy field – and that includes our physical body – is very responsive to thoughts and feelings and this flow of energy can be blocked when negative thoughts arrive and stay for a long time – whether consciously or subconsciously. Reiki helps to break through these blockages as it flows through the aura and the affected parts of the energy body, by charging them with positive energy and consequently raising our vibratory level.

Reiki - A Natural Healing Process
Reiki clears and balances the chakras and allows the life-force energy to flow through and around our body in a natural way. This accelerates the body’s own natural healing ability. Reiki is guided by a higher intelligence so it will naturally find its way to those parts of the body which most need healing and it will adjust its energy to suit the person being healed. So you will only receive as much energy as you need.

Intelligent Energy
Reiki has its own intelligence and knows exactly where to go and what to do – both for the healer and the recipient. Once a Reiki Channel simply places his or her hands on the person requiring healing or intend to send Reiki Healing and the energy will flow to the area where it is most needed. There are a number of easily-learned hand positions and for a new practitioner it is a good way to start but after working with the energy for some time you will feel guided as to where to place your hands.