Knowledge of yoga can never be gained through books you need a practical training under the expert guidance of a guru.” says Yoga Guru Swami Purnanand.
‘Gu’ in Sanskrit means ‘darkness’ and ‘Ru’ means ‘dispel’, hence Guru means the one who dispels the darkness and brings more understanding and light. For spiritual enlightenment one needs a guru but its not at all important that the one wearing the saffron cloth only can be guru. Hence anyone who dispels the darkness and brings more understanding and light is the guru.
Guru is the master of life who has the powerful insights to share. He drops into people’s lives to guide them in the right direction, to help them play there biggest games as human beings, discover their destiny and live their dreams.
Land of India has given such enlightened gurus to the entire world, may it be Lord Krishna who gave the knowledge of life and death through Bhagvad Geeta or may it be Swami Vivekananda who was given the topic “Zero” to speak at Chicago and he made the world mad after him or may it be Maharishi patanjali who made the science of yog easily available for the humanity. In fact in modern concept may it be Shiv Kheda who is exploring the power of positive thinking or Yoga Guru Swami Purnanand who has given his entire life in exploring the correct form of yog and is making people live a disease-free life, enlighten their souls and is exploring the perfect way of living, making people develop their abilities and live life at its full, and so on.
Guru is needed for the spiritual enlightenment and practice of yog should definitely be done under the expert guidance of a Guru as yoga practice definitely give amazing positive results to the practitioner if practiced correctly, but its true as well that yogic exercise practiced wrongly can even harm the practitioner as the physical conditions and mental needs of the individuals vary with each other.
Divine Hidden Power Of Yourself
The Sadhana Of Divya Yoga
Feel The Power Of Touch
Our whole energy field – and that includes our physical body – is very responsive to thoughts and feelings and this flow of energy can be blocked when negative thoughts arrive and stay for a long time – whether consciously or subconsciously. Reiki helps to break through these blockages as it flows through the aura and the affected parts of the energy body, by charging them with positive energy and consequently raising our vibratory level.
Reiki - A Natural Healing Process
Reiki clears and balances the chakras and allows the life-force energy to flow through and around our body in a natural way. This accelerates the body’s own natural healing ability. Reiki is guided by a higher intelligence so it will naturally find its way to those parts of the body which most need healing and it will adjust its energy to suit the person being healed. So you will only receive as much energy as you need.
Intelligent Energy
Reiki has its own intelligence and knows exactly where to go and what to do – both for the healer and the recipient. Once a Reiki Channel simply places his or her hands on the person requiring healing or intend to send Reiki Healing and the energy will flow to the area where it is most needed. There are a number of easily-learned hand positions and for a new practitioner it is a good way to start but after working with the energy for some time you will feel guided as to where to place your hands.