The preaching’s of the Bhagwat Geeta and Patanjali Yoga Sutra are creating considerable impact in today’s life. The extraction of both the holi books have been collected by Divya Darshan Yoga Sansthan. These are made easy to be adopted and practiced by an individual to uplift the moral as well as humanity and spiritual values. This adoption is in form of some practices called Yoga practices.
The religious & esthetic concepts of Yoga Sansthan are overwhelmingly accepted in educational, business, medical and psychic areas, now a days. Where we exists, staying there and passing normal life, how to develop, uplift and boost our self systematically, physically and mentally, are the preaching of Yoga Sansthan.

Divine Hidden Power Of Yourself
The Sadhana Of Divya Yoga

Feel The Power Of Touch
Our whole energy field – and that includes our physical body – is very responsive to thoughts and feelings and this flow of energy can be blocked when negative thoughts arrive and stay for a long time – whether consciously or subconsciously. Reiki helps to break through these blockages as it flows through the aura and the affected parts of the energy body, by charging them with positive energy and consequently raising our vibratory level.

Reiki - A Natural Healing Process
Reiki clears and balances the chakras and allows the life-force energy to flow through and around our body in a natural way. This accelerates the body’s own natural healing ability. Reiki is guided by a higher intelligence so it will naturally find its way to those parts of the body which most need healing and it will adjust its energy to suit the person being healed. So you will only receive as much energy as you need.

Intelligent Energy
Reiki has its own intelligence and knows exactly where to go and what to do – both for the healer and the recipient. Once a Reiki Channel simply places his or her hands on the person requiring healing or intend to send Reiki Healing and the energy will flow to the area where it is most needed. There are a number of easily-learned hand positions and for a new practitioner it is a good way to start but after working with the energy for some time you will feel guided as to where to place your hands.